Saturday, November 17, 2012

Leadership Through Abortion

Every person is created in the image of God.  Children are a gift from God.  God has a purpose for each human life.  The Bible condemns those who take human life.  It is not right in any way to kill a baby, especially if both the mother and baby will not be harmed in the pregnancy.  A lot of times the women having these abortions are only thinking about themselves and how they will be affected, but really, they should be thinking about the baby and how it will never even get to take a breath.  There are many alternatives other than abortion that these women need to take into consideration, especially adoption.  There are millions of women who are not physically able to have children and are searching for children to adopt.  These babies being aborted could be placed into nice loving homes instead of not given a chance.  I have not been affected by abortion as of right now, but, I am sure that I will some day encounter a situation that will be hard for those involved afterwards and I must not judge, but to love them through their mistakes.  It is never right to take the life of another human being, but the person taking the life does not always need reminded of that.  A lot of times the mother is all for the abortion when she is thinking about herself, but then when it actually happens, she ponders the life of her almost born baby and starts to feel remorse for her choice.  I need to be able to support her through this because there will be many people looking down on her in this situation. 

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