Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Am I living the mission of God?

Is it a decision or not?  That is the question.  Is it a decision to ask Jesus to come into your heart?  Am I living the mission of God?  Jesus said to go and make disciples of all nations.  This is not a request.  It is a command.  As leaders of the Christian faith, we need to be going out to other countries, homes, and surrounding areas and spreading the news about Jesus Christ.  Without people going out and sharing God’s Word, we risk saving peoples’ lives.  We are not only supposed to share the Good News, but also teach it and teach what God has commanded us to do.  We need to not just talk to people and then leave them, but to completely invest ourselves into making them children of God.  Showing God’s love through our own actions can help the cause of showing others how much God loves them.  Sometimes I feel like I invest too much of my life into others and sometimes I feel like it is a waist of my time, but in the end, it will all pay off and knowing that it is for God that I am doing these things, I know that at least someone is appreciating what my actions towards others are.  However, I do not always exceed the amount of helping that I should.  I could always strive to reach out to more people and try to help them in their times of need.  God has granted me with an outgoing personality which will help me when I need to go out to other places and spread the Word of God.  I can show God’s love through my loving actions towards others.  I will be praying for those that I know do not know God or believe in Him and maybe some day He will show me how I can try to help them.  For now, all I can do is show His love and hope that some day it will make a difference. 

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