Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Leadership Through Presidency

As the President of the United States, this man is presented with a big responsibility to all the people of his country.  Although they are not perfect, they are to be as responsible as they can possibly be.  No person wants to put their life and future in the hands of someone who is not a good leader.  Over the years of America being one unified country, the presidents have all had different attributes and different beneficial leadership skills.  They must fight for our country’s benefits and freedom.  He must protect our country from other countries that could be possible threats.  His role in the United States is to run our country in a smooth and beneficial way.  Many presidents have achieved this goal, but others have not and this shows by how the country ended up by the end of their term.  This country has changed to “one country under God” and a country that has “in God we trust” on our currency, to removing both of these phrases from their livelihood.  This is not a good thing.  God is the one who, as a country, we should be following.  Our president should have a handle on these terms in order to make the country run smoothly.  Equal rights are a matter but when all different beliefs are closed minded, there may not be as much unity.  As the president, they need to be able to unify our country through some of their choices and not tear it apart. 

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