Sunday, October 14, 2012

William Wilberforce

During leadership development class, we watched the movie called Amazing Grace.  It was an inspirational movie about abolishing slavery and not giving up at the task at hand.  William Wilberforce, an abolitionist, although not completely healthy, never gave up in the efforts of helping the slaves being shipped from across the sea.  He saw first hand where they were being held and thought that there should be something done about it.  They were being taken from their homes and shipped off to a new land with no people with no say in the matter.  I respect the man for not giving up.  He would stand in the middle of a court room debating it with hundreds of other men who disagreed with him.  It took a lot of courage and strength to stand up and earn the respect of all these men.  With the help of a few other men and in the span of just a couple years, William  was able to fulfill his task and pass an act to help the slaves not be able to be shipped and traded in the British slave trades.  Although he wanted to abolish slavery right then, it took more time to completely abolish it and therefore, he took the little steps to set up for the abolishment.  William Wilberforce is the perfect example of a leader because he was not afraid to stand up to people, even his friends, in order to help the general welfare of the people.  If more people were as ambitious as Wilberforce was, this world would get a lot more done.  

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