Wednesday, October 24, 2012

One Tree Hill Leadership

On the show One Tree Hill, leadership is evident through Nathan, Lucas, and Skills as they are coaching the Tree Hill Ravens’ basketball team.  They themselves have been in the same position as these boys, five years earlier, and therefore can relate to them.  They have felt the same feelings and experienced the ups and downs just as these boys are.  Being older and more mature, the coaches are able to distinguish which boys will need the most work.  Quinton, the star of the team, is exactly how Nathan was as a teenager.  They are both full of themselves and expect to be praised for their achievements.  However, since Nathan has matured and changed for the better, he now can move on to helping Quinton with his issues.  Quinton believes that he can talk back to the coaches and put down his teammates since he is the best.  Nathan takes the role of his mentor and helps him understand that without the rest of the team, he is nothing.  He teaches him about being a leader and how to help out not only himself, but also his fellow Ravens.  Quinton respects Nathan since they are one in the same.  With Quinton’s head in check, the Ravens may have a chance of winning some games.  The leadership role is necessary to lead the team for the coaches and for Quinton.  Together, they can make the season as successful as can be. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

My Testimony

Ever since I can remember I have been in church.  I have grown up in a Christian home surrounded by godly people.  I was attending Hickory Grove Christian School at the age of six and in first grade.  One day I was at home with my mom and my brother Ryan bonding while my older brother Josh and dad were at the Panthers game.  Ryan said to my mom, “Mommy, I want to ask Jesus into my heart.”  My mom smiled and asked me, “Rachel, do you want to also?” I replied, “No, not today.”  My mom asked me why I did not want to and I did not really have a reason.  However, my mom did not force me to.  I went into the kitchen to get Ryan and I some glasses of water and I felt convicted by the Holy Spirit that it was the time to accept Christ.  I went back and told my mom and she helped me ask Jesus into my heart.  I later got baptized at Hickory Grove Baptist Church where I attended church for about thirteen years.  For the past year and a half, I have attended Elevation Church and partake in community service there to help the needy community around Charlotte.  I have also attended Hickory Grove Christian School sense pre-school.  I strive to do my best at everything I do and to show God through my actions. 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

leadership in William Wilberforce

William Wilberforce is a great example of an all around leader.  He was confident when talking to crowds, he was intelligent in the facts of which he strived to get across, and he did not back down from a fight.  Although he was not the strongest person in the courtroom, he was able to sway a few people at a time in order to gain followers in what he believed in.  He was not always successful right away either.  However, he stuck to what he believed in and used outlandish situations to gather people’s attention.  Every time he was in front of a crowd, the intelligent and humble men were always drawn to him because of his own intelligence and humble attitude.  His compassion for others and love for people helped him to gain the respect he needed to get the jobs done that he needed to.  His confidence even when the odds were not in his favor remained strong and ended up pulling through in the end.  His perseverence and faithfulness helped William Wilberforce to achieve abolishment of slavery completely within a few years.  Dedication was the key to Wilberforce’s success and a lot of people can learn a lot from him. 

William Wilberforce

During leadership development class, we watched the movie called Amazing Grace.  It was an inspirational movie about abolishing slavery and not giving up at the task at hand.  William Wilberforce, an abolitionist, although not completely healthy, never gave up in the efforts of helping the slaves being shipped from across the sea.  He saw first hand where they were being held and thought that there should be something done about it.  They were being taken from their homes and shipped off to a new land with no people with no say in the matter.  I respect the man for not giving up.  He would stand in the middle of a court room debating it with hundreds of other men who disagreed with him.  It took a lot of courage and strength to stand up and earn the respect of all these men.  With the help of a few other men and in the span of just a couple years, William  was able to fulfill his task and pass an act to help the slaves not be able to be shipped and traded in the British slave trades.  Although he wanted to abolish slavery right then, it took more time to completely abolish it and therefore, he took the little steps to set up for the abolishment.  William Wilberforce is the perfect example of a leader because he was not afraid to stand up to people, even his friends, in order to help the general welfare of the people.  If more people were as ambitious as Wilberforce was, this world would get a lot more done.