Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Hand shakes

            In order to look professional in front of bosses, colleagues, and peers, a key brownie point to success in other people’s eyes is a solid hand shake.  Going to an interview for a new job, a lot of people concentrate on what to say and do but really what they should solely concentrate on is their hand shake because the hand shake is the first impression to their possible new boss.  When someone gives a hand shake they must look directly into the person’s eyes, have a firm grip, and not have sweaty hands.  I took a survey to see what kind of hand shakes I would receive from my peers.  Nine out of the ten people that I shook hands with gave a firm hand shake and made eye contact with me.  The other person was limp but did make eye contact.  I shook four guys’ hands and six girls’ hands and all were successful except for one girl.  My respect for those with good hand shakes went up due to their control of their demeanor and interactions with me.  The way that people are perceived are not always by looks but also by interactions such as hand shakes.         

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