Wednesday, September 26, 2012

be a leader no matter the situation

Being a leader is not just something that you need to do when in sports, debates, big groups, or even with your siblings.  Being a leader is a consistent thing.  There is never a time that it is okay to slack when you are held at a leadership role.  Most people only try to lead when they have people watching them but they do not realize that people are always watching them.  There will always be younger people that look up to those that are older and relatively wiser than they are.  In order for those children to grow to be well mannered and well behaved kids, those that are held up as leaders must be making the right choices consistently and setting a good example for the others.  For example, at pep rallies, the little kindergarteners and first graders go into the gym or onto the field thinking oh my goodness, this is they best day of our lives.  We get to see the highschoolers and middleschoolers!  However, the highschoolers and middleschoolers go into the pep ralley with bad attitudes and trying to act cool when they are really setting a bad example for the children.  Not all of them act inappropriately, but the ones that do can be setting a bad example for the kids that will be growing up to be them one day.  Once again, you never know who is watching and it is always important to work hard to be the best you can be not only to benefit yourself but also to benefit others. 

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