Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Leadership with Intelligence

Intelligence is always important when dealing with leadership.  A leader cannot truly be affective if they do not have at least a little bit of intelligence.  People in the world today would not support someone who did not have a basis for learning.  In leadership class the other day we took the IQ test and I think that that is very important when knowing what to do with the abilities that God has given me.  The IQ test shows what abilities we already have acquired over the years.  This is the basis for what we are supposed to go off of and figure out what to do with our lives.  People with really high IQ’s tend to be a little more awkward in life situations.  People with lower IQ’s may be better at other things such as having people skills or abilities that do not have to do with intelligence 100 percent.  God has given each of us our own gifts and abilities and we need to figure out what to do with all of them.  Although I have an above average IQ, I do not think that I am overly smart or will use only intelligence in my future.  My people skills are way better than my intelligence is and I think that that is what God has planned for me.  Intelligence is very important when it comes to leadership because intelligence is what will help leaders to make good decisions in hard situations.  Although it is not the main priority in leadership, it is definitely a necessity to some extent.   

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Leadership in Bullying

Leadership is always important when it comes to bullying.  Bullying affects not only the one being bullied but also the bullier and the people surrounding the situation.  There are many ways that people bully today.  One of the major ways that people are bullied is over the internet.  People think that they can simply hide behind the computer and get away with saying anything, yet it is hurting the people reading the hurtful words.  Another way that people are bullied is by hurtful words.  This happens because usually there is one person in the group that thinks when he/she is around his friends that they can say anything because their friends will back them up.  This is sad that not one of the friends would prevent this bullying from happening.  Too many television shows have shown young kids how to bully and this is only polluting the minds of young teenagers which carries onto their latter years.  Nobody knows how it feels to be bullied until they are being bullied themselves.  As a leader, someone needs to stand up the bullies and tell them that it is not okay to treat someone the way that they are.  Although this will not be stopped overnight, one bully at a time must be stopped.  Disney Channel should also stop presenting the bully into the picture of their show.  Bullying can lead to being arrested which is not what a lot of people know.  However, pictures can be accessed by the police and reported, so people should be careful what they are putting on their phones.  Hopefully as a nation, we can stop bullying worldwide and show people that it is better to just be nice to each other.  It is also easier to just be nice to each other.  The Bible teaches to treat others as you yourself would want to be treated.  Therefore, this is how we should act toward each other. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Leadership Among Juniors

As the seniors of Hickory Grove Christian School graduate this year, they need to pass down their leadership roles to the juniors of this year.  As the juniors step up the be the new seniors of their school, they will be placed in a high place to all of the little kids as well as the students only a year or two younger.  This is a big responsibility and the juniors need to make sure that they are ready to take on this new role.  As leaders of the school, they need to make sure that they are leading by example to the younger students.  They need to show how to respect their teachers and make the right choices so that the children younger than them can embody those same qualities.  Although this task may be hard at times due to tardies, senioritis, and laziness, these juniors need to be aware of what is to come and be able to avoid these negative aspects as much as possible.  After all, after graduation, our lives are to begin.  We may not realize that until it is too late, but our lives away from our parents is about to begin and these juniors need to start preparing for their futures.  If the juniors take on their leadership roles maybe Hickory Grove can stand out among the other schools as a leadership school with high expectations for their students in that aspect.  It all begins with the seniors of the school.  Hopefully it will all pay off.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Leadership Through Jesus Christ

Christian leadership is important in all aspects of life. God has created us for this earth for the purpose of serving Him and worshiping Him.  As Christian’s, we are to show the love of Christ to others through our actions and through our words.  Although it is not always easy to achieve this goal, as His followers, we must do our best to do so.  He has done so much for us by coming down and dying on the cross to save us from our sinful nature.  He has written a book through actual men with guidelines on how we should be living our lives.  Jesus Christ is the best leader that ever lived on this earth.  He not only led while He was on earth though.  He also leads as He is in heaven every single day.  Jesus lived a perfect life on earth even though He was surrounded by ungodly men.  He continued to be obedient to God and live the life that He would hope that any of us would strive to live as well.  There is no other man that has lived on this earth that has lived a perfect life of leadership and love for people and for the heavenly Father.  Jesus Christ is the perfect image of how a leader should act.  His leadership role was shown through all that He did and accomplished but He was humble about everything that He did.  He led the twelve disciples during His time on earth and when He died, He gave them instructions on how to continue the job.  Jesus Christ has shown us how to lead, now it is our job to continue His work just as the disciples did, as leaders and as Christians.