Monday, January 14, 2013

Mission Statement

One of my strengths as a person is my outgoing personality.  I can usually get to know people easily due to this.  I love making people feel comfortable in situations and I absolutely hate awkward silences and can usually find a way to end one.  I also am a kind loving person who strives to be nice to everyone.  I think that this helps me to be the kind of person that God wants me to be.  Although I am nowhere near perfect, I try my best to know what is right and to do what is right.  Knowing how others usually react to certain situations is another skill of mine.  I can usually determine what to say in a certain situation so that the other person will feel comfortable. 
One of my passions is child slavery.  I have just been aware of this for a short time and I know that I myself cannot change the fact that it happens completely, but if everyone does something, we can all start to make a difference in the world.  At Passion 2013 this year, I heard a lot of heartbreaking news about child slavery which makes me want to help out.  I think that getting people to be aware of this problem can help start to put an end to this.  As a leadership class we can start to make more people aware of this issue, even in our own city of Charlotte NC, which is one of the top cities for human trafficking in the nation.  This news devastates me but as one of my passions, I will do what I can to make people aware of this issue and save one life at a time. 
Since I have gifts with interacting with people, I can use these gifts to talk to people about the issues at hand.  Knowing that people like the A21 campaign are making a difference gives me hope to be able to make a difference myself.  The power of prayer and communication will help me achieve the goals that I am setting for myself for my future and for the future of child slavery.  Everyone cannot do everything, but everyone can do something which can join together to make a difference and that is where I plan to start my mission. 

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